Are you feeling lucky?
Green Man Gaming started offering "Mystery Bundles" with the following description:
"Check out our new mystery bundles, filled with unknown awesomeness. They come in two differend flavours - a tantalising 3-game bundle, and a fantastic 5-game pack. What will you find inside your surprise delivery? Buy now to uncover the secret keys within!"[1]
3 pack Mystery Bundles costs $4.99, while 5 pack Mystery Bundles costs $6.99. Please note those bundles may contain Steam, Origin, and/or Uplay keys.
Here's a list of the games some users claimed to have acquired from those bundles:
Avencast: Rise of the Mage
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Deadly 30
Return NULL - Episode 1
Shattered Haven
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
Zack Zero
- "Mystery Bundles." Retrieved January 11, 2016.