For a greedy bird.
The latest Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp update (version 3.0.0 which was released on November 20, 2019) fixed one of the biggest player complaints in the series history.
When the Gulliver’s Ship feature was updated on September 11, 2019 (version 2.6.0), Nintendo removed the option to exchange furniture and clothes with Gulliver, and replaced that option with Cargo that requires scarce Craft Materials (such as Sparkle Stones) to craft.
This sparked an outrage because players was stuck with potentially thousands of items they would need to sell one by one to Timmy to free of space in their inventory.
Players can once again exchange furniture and clothes with Gulliver. Nintendo also exceeded users expectations by allowing players to also exchange some Craft Materials.
The Cargo crafting feature was also improved. Nintendo removed the scarce Craft Materials requirement for all but one Cargo (the Golden Package).
I've since resumed breaking my Fortune Cookies. I didn't take a count of how many cookies I had on November 20, but I brought it down to 960 on December 2.
I estimated that it takes at least 20 seconds to break one Fortune Cookie; in other words, it's going to take me at least 5 hours and 20 minutes break all of those cookies.