Murder. Madness. Manson.
Aquarius is an American period crime drama television series that premiered on NBC on Thursday, May 28, 2015, to poor TV ratings and poor reception.
In a surprising twist, NBC streamed the entire first season of Aquarius on NBC Digital immediately following its broadcast premiere. That deal was offered for a limited time.
In another surprising twist, NBC renewed Aquarius on June 25, despite that show losing TV viewers week after week.
In yet another surprising twist, NBC moved Aquarius to Saturday nights starting with the July 18 episode. That night is normally reserved for shows... that have been canceled. I suspect their affiliates complained about Aquarius' poor ratings on Thursday's.
Some critics mocked NBC's decision to quickly renew Aquarius. They must have missed that networks announcement which revealed that show scored record breaking ratings on NBC Digital.
Although Aquarius bombed on television, that show has done well online. Perhaps well enough to fund a second season with minimal revenue needed from broadcast television.
Image credit: NBC