Limited season.

I purchased one Shopkins Season 6 Chef Club Mega Pack for $14.76. That pack includes the following:

  • 20 Shopkins.

  • 4 Recipe Books

  • 1 Collector's Guide.

shopkins season 6 chef club mega pack

The box states that release is a "limited season." I'm assuming each store will receive one or two shipments?

Common Shopkins

  • 6-001 Betsy Butter.

  • 6-002 Shelly Egg.

  • 6-004 Fleur Flour.

  • 6-005 Strawberry Top.

  • 6-010 Herb L. Teabag.

  • 6-013 Buncho Bananas.

  • 6-014 Choc Chips.

  • 6-017 Sam Soy.

  • 6-019 Pappa Pizza Base.

  • 6-027 Choc E. Tubs.

  • 6-029 Miss Sprinkles.

  • 6-030 Little Choc Bottle.

shopkins season 6 chef club mega pack common

My Choc Chips (second from top left) is a variation. The only part that's supposed to be pink is the white line below the chocolate.

Rare Shopkins

  • 6-031 Toast T. Warm.

  • 6-034 Ros Berry.

  • 6-037 Iris Icing Sugar.

  • 6-038 Adam Apple.

  • 6-043 Parmesan Pete.

  • 6-047 Wilbur Whipped Cream.

shopkins season 6 chef club mega pack rare

Adam Apple is the most popular of that bunch (based on recent sales).

Ultra Rare Shopkins

  • 6-050 Berry Sweet Pancakes.

  • 6-063 Sweets Honey.

shopkins season 6 chef club mega pack ultra rare

Not only is Berry Sweet Pancakes (left) one of the least valuable Ultra Rare Shopkins from that release (based on recent sales), but my figure is missing gold paint in two spots (gold and eye).

Sweets Honey isn't also selling well, but at least my figure was painted well.

By the way, here's what the inside of that box looked like:

shopkins season 6 chef club mega pack inside